Forget winter—open enrollment is coming. And no matter how much you’ve planned and prepared for it, for many HR and employee benefits pros, it’s still a hectic, stressful event.
This is why we’re pleased to share our top open enrollment jokes. After all, there’s nothing like a good (or awful) open enrollment meme or riddle to lighten the load—whether they make you smile or groan.
Q: Why is Halloween the spookiest day of the year for HR?
A: Because once it’s over, open enrollment begins!
Q: Why do HR professionals serve dried fruit during open enrollment meetings?
A: Because their goal is raisin’ awareness.
Q: Why did the HR manager burn herbs during open enrollment?
A: To ensure that employees received sage advice.
Q: Which animal is the best at keeping enrollment data confidential?
A: The HIPAApotatmus, of course!
Q: Why doesn’t Santa hold open enrollment at the North Pole?
A: Because his workers are all sELF-employed.
Q: Which employees can see into the future after completing open enrollment?
A: The ones who elect Vision.
Q: What’s so great about open enrollment?
A: Everybody benefits!
Yes, open enrollment is coming—but you’ve got this, and Namely is here to help.
If you have a great open enrollment joke or meme, please share it with us. And for a few more smiles, read 10 Fun Facts about Open Enrollment.
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