If someone’s only interaction with your company brand was the employee handbook, what would their impression be? How would they perceive your company culture and values? On an employee’s first day, new hires experience a similar thought process as they go through onboarding. The employee handbook is HR’s opportunity to excite and engage new hires with all of the details around what makes your company a great place to work.
If you haven’t taken a constructive look at your handbook in a while, it might be time for a refresh. With the right branding and communication, your employee handbook can double as an informational tool and a secret weapon to help you attract and retain talent. Our customizable template breaks down everything you need to design an engaging and memorable handbook. But before jumping into the template, consider these three tips:
1. Leverage Company Branding
While your handbook is likely to be an internal document, you should think of it as an important asset for your employer brand. Make sure you have a thorough understanding of your company’s culture, and let that guide the tone and visual elements of the handbook. Does your company have a playful voice? Consider using a lighthearted voice to describe office policies. Does your brand utilize bright colors? Spruce the layout up with accents and images to bring the document to life. If your handbook doesn’t align with your brand, employees will be less likely to take it seriously.
2. Make It Consumable
A lengthy informational document that employees will need to reference down the line should be easily legible and searchable. Avoid long blocks of text, highlight the most important parts of each page, and break up sections with images or stylistic touches. Make sure to have a clearly organized table of contents. If employees want to review the company’s benefits policy, they won’t want to have to turn through pages and pages to find it.
3. Go Digital
While you may not go as far as publishing the employee handbook on your company’s public website, having a digitally accessible copy ensures employees always know where to find it. There’s a lot of new information to take in on the first day, and your new hires may not have to expense something, for example, in his or her first six months. When the time comes, the policy should be easily accessible somewhere employees know where to look, such as the resources section in your HRIS.
Now that you’re equipped with the know-how, our easy-to-use employee template is here to help you turn vision into reality. Download the customizable form and start showcasing your amazing culture.